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Uranium Crushing Plant

The uranium ore is processed through the traditional method of stirring and leaching. The process goes like follows: primary crushing of ores→screening→separation→medium crushing→grinding→heap leaching→grade-based washing→neutralization→pulp absorption→leaching→solvent extraction→reverse extraction→crystalline precipitate, filtration and dewatering.

The percolation leaching process has a tough standard on ore granularity, which sets the leached ore granularity at -5mm and removes most of ore slimes less than 0.15mm. In order to ensure the smooth operation of industrial percolation leaching process, the engineering design has incorporated a ore crushing-desZENITH supplementary system that matches the process.

Fine crushing and desZENITH of Uranium ores

Uranium crushing PlantThe crushing, especially fine crushing of uranium ores are very difficult. Before designing, analysing and studing on the physical and mechanical properties of ores at two mining fields found that the difficulties in crushing ores are caused mainly by the fact that ores have different slime and water proportions, and mineral particles are prone to form briquette with the slimes. However, as the major ores of the mine are brittle, and brittle ores are rockable, the key to the problem lies at desZENITH the ore briquette. Without desbmw, the ores cannot be fine crushed because the briquette will be crushed into slime pies inside the crusher chamber, which cannot be discharged while hampering the feeding process. After being deslimed, the ores could be fine crushed. However, the fine crushed ores still have certain amount of slimes that need to be separated. Therefore, desZENITH and fine crushing are indispensable to each other, serving as each other's supplement. After finding the core problem, we added a desZENITH process prior to the find crushing process. And the desZENITH process works with the fine crushing process in circulation.

Equipments for uranium ore fine crushing

Ores to be fine crushed in the project are the medium crushed ore product of the original crushing system. The ores, with a granularity of -25mm, are required to be crushed into -5mm.

The Cone crusher not only enjoys high crushing ratio, but also controls the product granularity within a narrow range. The crusher also features low power consumption per crushing unit. The body of the machine is fixed on the frame by two isolation components, sparing the need to anchor it by anchor bolts. The structure of the crusher consists of dynamic cone and fixed cone, both of which have lining plates. Between the plates is the crushing chamber. Working principle: In the vertical plane, the swing movement of the dynamic cone together with the fixed cone will crush the materials, and driven by gravity, the crushed products will be discharged. However, the crusher couldn't be started and operated when empty, or the dynamic cone could damage the lining plates when hitting the fixed cone. In addition, the crusher has strict requirement on the water proportion of the fed ores. The water proportion should be less than 3%, or the ores is likely to form pies inside the crushing chamber.

Grading of micro uranium particle

Requirements of the grading process

We must think about how to decompose the ore briquette in the screening process and separate the ore product. As the original ores already have fine ores less than 5mm(ore product), we could firstly separate these ore products, which could reduce the load of the fine crushing process as well as avoiding over-crushing. The design chooses water to screen the ores, which smartly combines the waterjet principle with the movement of ores on the screening surface to screen and deslime the ores. At the same time, the screening process will deslime and dewater the ores as required by the crusher( ores to be crushed shall have less than 3% of water).

Types of the screening machines

As the fine crushing equipment has tough standards on the slime proportion and water proportion of the fed materials, we must choose the screening equipment above which the ore particles could move far and long enough so as to fully separate the ore products and dewater the ores on the screen. Plus, the sieve must enjoy good excitation property which allows the ore particle to do parabolic movement driven by the excitation, and be further deslimed by the jetted water during the movement. Based on the principle, a technological comparison was made between various screening equipments which finally adopted the linear vibrating screen and sieve grid with 5mm holes.

Uranium Ore processing project

  1. Uranium ore processing
  2. Uranium ore mining
  3. Uranium ore crushing