Sustainable Development in the South African Mining Sector Cronje F1* & Chenga C2* 1 School of Social and Government Studies, North-West University, South Africa
The Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) is a leading research centre, committed to improving social performance in the resources sector globally.
Empowering activists and communities opposed to mining through information on global mining trends, specific projects and mining industry attempts to subvert ...
Cannon Rocks is a small seaside town on the Indian Ocean in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, between Boknes and the boundary of the Greater Addo …
EI Sourcebook - Providing developing nations with technical understanding and practical options around oil, gas and mining sector development
This study combined evidence from literature search, national-level data sources, survey, focus groups, interviews, and empirical findings (Trend Analysis, Simple ...
Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Livelihoods in Guyana: an overview of experiences and potential opportunities Tom Griffi ths and Lawrence Anselmo
Right Livelihood Award Laureates work in different fields like peace, conflict resolution, human rights, environment, culture, spirituality, science, economy ...
United Nations Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform - dedicated to improving the well being of present and future generations through the promotion of ...
4 Global Report on Artisanal & Small-Scale Mining The report focuses on the major issues in ASM and how the sector may best contribute to sustainable development ...
Rural Livelihood Strategies and the Five Capitals: A Comparative Study in the Selected Villages of Sri Lanka Dr. Sunethra Thennakoon Abstract: Regional imbalances in ...
Mining & Community: Opportunities and Risks. Large scale mining can have significant economic, social and environmental impacts at the local, regional and national level.
EI Sourcebook - Providing developing nations with technical understanding and practical options around oil, gas and mining sector development
Right Livelihood Award Laureates work in different fields like peace, conflict resolution, human rights, environment, culture, spirituality, science, economy ...
3 Davey, I. (2009). Environmentalism of the Poor and Sustainable Development: An Appraisal, JOAAG, Vol. 4. No. 1 Figure 1. The environmental Kuznets curve
This paper highlights one of the recent attempts to measure progress at the family and community level—the livelihood security approach. The objecti
EIA AS A TOOL EIA and sustainable development: Key concepts and tools Contents Introduction Sustainable development.. Environmental impact assessment
Mining and its Effects on the Environment. Part 1: Issue Description The issue is the conflict between opposing parties over mining. What is mining?
Joint UNEP-OHCHR Expert Seminar on Human Rights and the Environment 14-16 January 2002, Geneva: Background Paper No. 4
1 Report No. 125713 January 2012 Linking Gender, Environment, and Poverty for Sustainable Development: A Synthesis Report on Ethiopia and Ghana
What is mining? Mining is the extraction (removal) of minerals and metals from earth. Manganese, tantalum, cassiterite, copper, tin, nickel, bauxite (aluminum ore ...
Our Common Future, Chapter 2: Towards Sustainable Development From A/42/427. Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and …
A list of internet sites dealing with sustainable development, including organisations, projects and activities, electronic journals, libraries, references and ...
Ethiopia Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Ministry of Finance and Economic …
ACC Sustainable Development Report 2011 [03] education, health, creation of means of livelihood and rural infrastructure support. We gratefully acknowledge
Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation, or Atlas Mining (AT on the PSE) is a diversified natural resource-based company with significant holdings of ...
United Nations Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform - dedicated to improving the well being of present and future generations through the promotion of ...
Dear Colleagues, The environment has long been acknowledged as an important pillar within sustainable development, alongside social and economic concerns.
Hi Jack, I assume it is the same famous Jack Caldwell. I was just checking in mining news about the lithium deposits in Afghanistan and lo and behold your blog/web ...
"High culture" is a term, now used in a number of different ways in academic discourse, whose most common meaning is the set of cultural products, mainly in the arts ...
Introduction. If climate change is the key process in the natural world impacting on sustainable development, then globalisation is the parallel process in the human ...
In terms of livelihood, mining concessions have ... People’s alternatives to corporate mining and dams and indigenous systems of sustainable resource ...
For millennia, indigenous Grand Canyon residents relied on the area’s resources for both lifestyle and livelihood. A wide variety of peoples lived in diverse ...
The official website of Mining Africa Yearbook providing information about mines, mining and exploration in Africa
Global economy The emerging international economy characterised by free trade in goods and services, unrestricted capital flows and weakened powers to control ...
Ensuring that communities benefit : One of the key objectives of the Mining Charter is to promote the social and economic welfare of communities living close to mines ...
Our main concerns are fighting poverty, increasing productivity and improving living conditions in rural environments. We help our clients worldwide to address their ...
Draft for Comments. April, 2001. 2 Summary and Overview Mining and the PRSP Process Mining and poverty reduction This chapter provides instruments for …
H2: explains the factors which place ecosystems at risk and the reasons for their protection: H5: evaluates environmental management strategies in terms of …
4 Global Report on Artisanal & Small-Scale Mining The report focuses on the major issues in ASM and how the sector may best contribute to sustainable development ...
Rural Livelihood Strategies and the Five Capitals: A Comparative Study in the Selected Villages of Sri Lanka Dr. Sunethra Thennakoon Abstract: Regional imbalances in ...
Mining & Community: Opportunities and Risks. Large scale mining can have significant economic, social and environmental impacts at the local, regional and national level.
EI Sourcebook - Providing developing nations with technical understanding and practical options around oil, gas and mining sector development
Right Livelihood Award Laureates work in different fields like peace, conflict resolution, human rights, environment, culture, spirituality, science, economy ...
3 Davey, I. (2009). Environmentalism of the Poor and Sustainable Development: An Appraisal, JOAAG, Vol. 4. No. 1 Figure 1. The environmental Kuznets curve
This paper highlights one of the recent attempts to measure progress at the family and community level—the livelihood security approach. The objecti
EIA AS A TOOL EIA and sustainable development: Key concepts and tools Contents Introduction Sustainable development.. Environmental impact assessment
Mining and its Effects on the Environment. Part 1: Issue Description The issue is the conflict between opposing parties over mining. What is mining?
Joint UNEP-OHCHR Expert Seminar on Human Rights and the Environment 14-16 January 2002, Geneva: Background Paper No. 4