Full text of "English-Arabic vocabulary for the use of officials in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Comp. in the Intelligence department of the Egyptian army, by Captain H ...
> Repair and sale of Printers and Fax machines > Tel: 02 ... experienced teacher for both Hebrew and English speakers.? ... Without my computer, my business comes to a grinding …
Full text of "The student's Arabic-English dictionary. :"
At the end of this period. meaning speaker or interpreter. meaning one ignorant and uneducated in Jewish matters. and Amnon. Literally. country folk. which.
Ji?-\ ajldl, housings, &c., pi. of J?jull magnificence, maijldl, jesty, grandeur, splendour, sub; ; — away. t)W\ ajfdn, eyelids, i^\ ajfala-t, ^_^\
Full text of "English-Arabic vocabulary for the use of officials in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Comp. in the Intelligence department of the Egyptian army, by Captain H ...