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Deep Creek High School Alumni Association - Hornet Pride!
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1939: the revised version (1999) of 'The Official Chronology of the U.S. Navy in World War II', by Robert J. Cressman, Contemporary History Branch, Naval Historical ...
6 Jan 1945. With its war over, Finland lifted the ban on dancing, which was made illegal during the war. Battleship New Mexico was struck by Japanese special attack ...
a huge list of anagrams ... The list is of course computer generated (with a ten-line perl script) from a big dictionary I found somewhere on the net.
Serial Number Criteria: Description Criteria: B-17G Data last updated: Sun Jan 19 19:26:54 2014 41-24440 ... 41-24489 Boeing B-17F-10-BO Fortress c/n 3125/3174 …
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