Cook in Style The Mini-Prep Plus is the perfect little helper for small food preparation. Finished with elegant brushed stainless steel, the Mini-Prep Plus is a ...
About Magic Bullet Food Processor. The Magic Bullet is a compact blender that is supposed to help save space and replace other large appliances such as blenders, …
Instructions. Place all ingredients except salt in the blender in the order listed, using the smaller amounts. Start the machine on low and increase speed to high.
Need help in the kitchen? eHow offers quick and easy recipe ideas and cooking techniques for everyday meals as well as holidays and other celebrations.
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Have you ever run your finger along the side of the near empty Sabra container and wondered: “how the heck do they make hummus so dang smooth?”
2008-4-4· DISCLAIMER: Thread idea is stolen from New Orleans board! “What are the 10 best things to eat in Boston and where is the best place to eat them?”
A letter from a college student inspired this post. He was wondering what advice or recipes we might have for young readers living in dorms with infrequent access to ...
A home cooking weblog from a tiny kitchen in New York City. The place to find all of your new favorite things to cook.