Porphyry copper deposits are copper orebodies that are formed from hydrothermal fluids that originate from a voluminous magma chamber several kilometers below the ...
Contents. Abstract. Summary of Porphyry Copper Deposit Model. A. Introduction. B. Deposit Type and Associated Commodities. C. History of Porphyry Copper Deposits
0361-0128/10/3863/3-39 3 Porphyry Copper Systems* RICHARD H. SILLITOE† 27 West Hill Park, Highgate Village, London N6 6ND, England Abstract Porphyry Cu …
TOPS AND BOTTOMS OF PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSITS 805 surviving portion of the original porphyry copper deposit. Despite the fact that only a part of the
GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 62, NO. 5 (SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 1997); P. 1419–1431, 15 FIGS. Inversion of geophysical data over a copper gold porphyry deposit: A case …
Porphyry is a variety of igneous rock consisting of large-grained crystals, such as feldspar or quartz, dispersed in a fine-grained feldspathic matrix or groundmass.
151 EINALI et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci developed in the southern part of the deposit, where it was mined for several years in the 1990s. A supergene enriched
ASD offers the industry's premium solution for mapping alteration zone mineralogy of copper and porphyry deposits with the TerraSpec Mineral Analyzer.
Preliminary Model of Porphyry Copper Deposits By Byron R. Berger, Robert A. Ayuso, Jeffrey C. Wynn, and Robert R. Seal Open-File Report 2008–1321
Information on porphyry copper deposits from around the world with grade and tonnage models, a general classification based on geologic setting, mineralogy, with data ...
POTENTIAL FOR LARAMIDE PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSITS 143 Newly compiled magnetic and gravity maps have resulted in new interpretations of the tectonic …
Porter, T.M. (ed.), 2005 - Super Porphyry Copper & Gold Deposits: A Global Perspective; PGC Publishing,Adelaide, v. 1, 280 pages - ISBN 978-0-9580574-2-4.
1. Introduction. Porphyry copper deposits are generated by hydrothermal fluid processes that alter the mineralogy and chemical composition of the country rocks …
The Ishihara Symposium: Granites and Associated Metallogenesis © Geoscience Australia 65 Tectonic setting of porphyry copper-gold mineralisation in the
Stephen J. Reynolds, Dept. of Geology, Arizona State University
Not far from the Phoenix valley, a copper porphyry was discovered within the city limits of Florence. The deposit was apparently discovered a few decades ago, but is ...
Cañariaco Sur is the second copper-gold porphyry intrusive body discovered to date on the Cañariaco Property and lies 1.3 km south of the centre of the Cañariaco ...
por·phy·ry (pôr′fə-rē) n. pl. por·phy·ries Rock containing relatively large conspicuous crystals, especially feldspar, in a fine-grained igneous matrix ...
Facts About Copper Copper Uses, Resources, Supply, Demand and Production Information Republished from USGS Fact Sheets released in June, 2009 and …
exploration of genetic links between breccia pipes and porphyry copper deposits in a laramide hydrothermal system, sombrero butte, pinal county, arizona
copper, gold, copper&gold, copper and gold, mining, drilling gold, exploring gold, drilling copper, exploring copper, Freeport, Freeport-McMoRan, Freeport McMoRan, FM ...
Los Andes Copper Ltd. is a Canadian exploration and development company focused on the exploration and development of the advanced stage Vizcachitas copper ...
Model 17--Con. GRADE AND TONNAGE MODEL OF PORPHYRY CU By Donald A. Singer, Dan L. Mosier, and Dennis P. Cox COMMENTS All porphyry copper …
The Copper Mountain project is situated 15km south-west of Princeton, British Columbia, Canada. It covers around 18,000 acres of mining land held under a …
Arizona has several primary gold deposits and many copper deposits with by-product gold. Hidden gold deposits are likely to be found in several mining districts.
Mining information for the Highland Valley copper mine in Canada presented by MineSite | infoMine
BHP Billiton's Spence copper cathode project is located 1,700m above sea level in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, close to the mining town of Sierra Gorda, 50km ...
Hydrothermal solution. Hydrothermal mineral deposits are those in which hot water serves as a concentrating, transporting, and depositing agent. They are the most ...
Overview. The Copper Mountain copper mine is located some 2700 km east of the Port of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. The copper deposit was initially mined by ...
About Us. The Resolution Copper Project is operated by Resolution Copper Mining, which is a limited liability company owned 55 percent by Resolution Copper …
Ownership: : Deposit Type: Porphyry: Reserve: 965M tonnes mill + 157 M tonnes heap (Proven + Probable) Primary Metals: Gold, copper and molybdenum: Process
POTENTIAL FOR LARAMIDE PORPHYRY COPPER DEPOSITS 143 Newly compiled magnetic and gravity maps have resulted in new interpretations of the tectonic …
Porter, T.M. (ed.), 2005 - Super Porphyry Copper & Gold Deposits: A Global Perspective; PGC Publishing,Adelaide, v. 1, 280 pages - ISBN 978-0-9580574-2-4.
1. Introduction. Porphyry copper deposits are generated by hydrothermal fluid processes that alter the mineralogy and chemical composition of the country rocks …
The Ishihara Symposium: Granites and Associated Metallogenesis © Geoscience Australia 65 Tectonic setting of porphyry copper-gold mineralisation in the
Stephen J. Reynolds, Dept. of Geology, Arizona State University
Not far from the Phoenix valley, a copper porphyry was discovered within the city limits of Florence. The deposit was apparently discovered a few decades ago, but is ...
Cañariaco Sur is the second copper-gold porphyry intrusive body discovered to date on the Cañariaco Property and lies 1.3 km south of the centre of the Cañariaco ...
por·phy·ry (pôr′fə-rē) n. pl. por·phy·ries Rock containing relatively large conspicuous crystals, especially feldspar, in a fine-grained igneous matrix ...
Facts About Copper Copper Uses, Resources, Supply, Demand and Production Information Republished from USGS Fact Sheets released in June, 2009 and …
exploration of genetic links between breccia pipes and porphyry copper deposits in a laramide hydrothermal system, sombrero butte, pinal county, arizona