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Sam & is an American sitcom that premiered on Nickelodeon on June 8, 2013. It is a crossover / spin-off and sequel of both iCarly and Victorious, starring ...
The General Motors EV1 was an electric car produced and leased by the General Motors Corporation from 1996 to 1999. It was the first mass-produced and purpose ...
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The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS) began in 1986. The purpose of the study is to evaluate a series of hypotheses about men's health.
This is a list of historians categorized by their area of study. See also List of historians.
Little evidence of health benefits from organic foods, Stanford study finds. BY MICHELLE BRANDT
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
FAMILIES CHILDREN AND CHILD CARE PROJECT A prospective study of the effects of different kinds of care on children's development in the first five years
TIMSS 2011 International Results in Mathematics. Analysis of data collected for mathematics achievement in 63 countriesTIMSS 2011 International Results in
2014-2-12· The study seems likely to lead to an even deeper polarization between those who believe that regular mammography saves lives, including many breast
Timelines and study guides for ancient civilizations, signed general interest articles on scientific findings in archaeology, a blog on archaeology issues, photo ...
Enter the Bible passage (e.g., John 3:16), keyword (e.g., Jesus, prophet, etc.) or topic (e.g., salvation)
In FTC Study, Five Percent of Consumers Had Errors on Their Credit Reports That Could Result in Less Favorable Terms for Loans Consumers Should Check Their
This is a "Wordle" data visualization of the over 100,000 words the students in the study wrote about their experiences of going 24 hours without media.
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2014-2-13· WASHINGTON The sign is ubiquitous on city buses around the country: 鈥淭his bus runs on clean burning natural gas.But a surprising new report, to ...
2013-8-26· PMC Copyright Notice. This page has information about general copyright restrictions that apply to the material that is available through the PubMed ...
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The case study method of teaching applied to college science teaching, from The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
A weekly review and repository of scientific research findings pertaining to carbon dioxide and global change.
MIT to honor Officer Sean Collier with memorial remembrance ceremony and celebrate his legacy at community picnic on April 18. MIT will unveil plans for a permanent ...
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Internal Branding Best Practices Study Nina MacLaverty Patricia McQuillan Hugh Oddie June 2007 38170_CMA_White_Cover1 5/7/07 8:18 AM Page 1
Independent. Berkeley Earth is independently operated, funded primarily by unrestricted educational grants. We pursue objectivity without concern for policies of ...
The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS) began in 1986. The purpose of the study is to evaluate a series of hypotheses about men's health.
This is a list of historians categorized by their area of study. See also List of historians.
Little evidence of health benefits from organic foods, Stanford study finds. BY MICHELLE BRANDT
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
FAMILIES CHILDREN AND CHILD CARE PROJECT A prospective study of the effects of different kinds of care on children's development in the first five years
TIMSS 2011 International Results in Mathematics. Analysis of data collected for mathematics achievement in 63 countriesTIMSS 2011 International Results in
2014-2-12· The study seems likely to lead to an even deeper polarization between those who believe that regular mammography saves lives, including many breast
Timelines and study guides for ancient civilizations, signed general interest articles on scientific findings in archaeology, a blog on archaeology issues, photo ...
Enter the Bible passage (e.g., John 3:16), keyword (e.g., Jesus, prophet, etc.) or topic (e.g., salvation)
In FTC Study, Five Percent of Consumers Had Errors on Their Credit Reports That Could Result in Less Favorable Terms for Loans Consumers Should Check Their