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Home; Mines, Quarries & Sites. The AditNow database contains tens of thousands of mines and quarries, as well as mining related mills, smelters, railways, tramways ...
Situated where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center once stood in New York City, the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower was recently placed as a symbol of new …
We supply floor tiles to over 110 countries in the world. Marble, granite and stone tiles in technical ceramic for flooring and coverings..
CD/DVD Drive Not Detected Before Windows can see your Drive, it first has to appear in the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS). When getting error messages from …
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05.16.06 8:09AM My boss (an architect) did some extensive stain testing on white carrera marble when he redid his kitchen a few years ago. On a stone sample, he …
The thread about Super White, quartzite, marble and all things stone has run its course up to the 150 post limit. Who knew we'd all have so much fun with that topic?
My Stone Sculptures of Marble, Limestone, Soapstone, Alabaster, wood, clay and other Art are shown and discussed for your enjoyment.
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